
Conducting captivating interviews is a cornerstone of successful podcasting. As a UK-based podcast consultant, I’ve seen firsthand how engaging conversations can transform a podcast and resonate with listeners. In this blog post, I’ll share my top techniques for leading interviews that keep listeners hooked and help your podcast stand out in the UK market. Let’s get started!

Preparing for the Interview

A well-prepared interviewer sets the stage for a captivating conversation. Before the interview, take these steps:

  1. Research your guest: Learn about their background, accomplishments, and viewpoints. This will help you ask informed questions and create a natural dialogue.
  2. Determine the interview’s purpose: Identify the key messages and takeaways you want your listeners to gain from the conversation.
  3. Develop a list of open-ended questions: Craft questions that encourage in-depth answers and provoke thoughtful discussions. Be prepared with follow-up questions to delve deeper.
  4. Share expectations with your guest: Communicate the interview format, duration, and topics to your guest beforehand. This ensures they feel prepared and comfortable during the conversation.

Building Rapport and Setting the Tone

A comfortable and relaxed guest is more likely to open up and provide engaging responses. Establish rapport and set the tone by:

  1. Starting with small talk: Ease into the conversation with light-hearted banter before diving into more serious topics.
  2. Being empathetic: Show genuine interest in your guest’s experiences and emotions. This encourages vulnerability and authenticity.
  3. Listening actively: Pay attention to your guest’s responses, maintain eye contact, and provide verbal and non-verbal cues to show you’re engaged.

Mastering the Art of Asking Questions

Asking the right questions is crucial for stimulating engaging conversations. Keep these tips in mind:

  1. Ask open-ended questions: Encourage expansive answers by avoiding questions that can be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
  2. Be flexible: Adapt your questions and follow-ups based on your guest’s responses. This creates a more organic and dynamic conversation.
  3. Avoid leading questions: Allow your guest to share their thoughts without bias by not imposing your opinions through your questions.

Navigating Challenging Moments

Not every interview will run smoothly. Be prepared to handle difficult situations by:

  1. Addressing sensitive topics with care: Approach controversial or emotional subjects with empathy and respect.
  2. Managing time effectively: Gently steer the conversation back on track if your guest goes off on tangents.
  3. Handling disagreements: Remain professional and respectful if your guest’s opinions differ from your own. Focus on understanding their perspective.

Wrapping Up and Post-Interview

End the interview on a positive note and capitalize on the content by:

  1. Summarizing key takeaways: Recap the main points and express gratitude to your guest for their insights.
  2. Promoting your guest: Share their website, social media, or upcoming projects to show appreciation and support.
  3. Obtaining feedback: Ask your guest for their thoughts on the interview and suggestions for improvement.
  4. Leveraging the interview for promotion: Share highlights, quotes, or soundbites on social media and in your podcast’s marketing materials.


Mastering the art of interviewing is essential for creating engaging and memorable podcast episodes. By preparing thoroughly, building rapport, asking thought-provoking questions, and navigating challenging moments, you can elevate your UK podcast’s quality and appeal. As a UK-based podcast consultant, I believe that captivating conversations are the heart of a successful podcast, and investing in your interview skills will pay dividends in audience engagement and growth. Keep these techniques in mind as you continue your podcasting journey, and watch your show flourish in the competitive UK podcast landscape. Happy interviewing!