Building Connections in the UK Podcasting Community


As a UK-based podcast consultant, I’ve seen the immense value networking brings to podcasters. Building connections within the podcasting community can open doors to collaborations, cross-promotions, knowledge sharing, and much more. In this blog post, I’ll share practical tips for networking in the UK podcasting scene, helping you grow your show and strengthen your position in the industry. Let’s get started!

The Benefits of Networking for Podcasters

Networking offers numerous advantages for podcasters, including:

  1. Expanding your audience: Collaborating with other podcasters can introduce your show to new listeners who share similar interests.
  2. Learning from peers: Engage with industry professionals to gain valuable insights and best practices that can improve your podcast’s quality and growth.
  3. Sharing resources: Connect with podcasters to pool resources, such as equipment, editing services, or marketing efforts, to save time and money.
  4. Building credibility: Forming relationships within the podcasting community can boost your reputation and credibility, making your show more attractive to potential guests, sponsors, and listeners.

Networking Opportunities in the UK Podcasting Scene

To start building connections within the UK podcasting community, consider participating in these networking opportunities:

  1. Podcast Meetups and Events: Attend local podcasting meetups, workshops, and conferences to meet fellow podcasters, industry professionals, and potential guests. Some popular UK podcast events include the London Podcast Festival, Podcasting for Business Awards, and Pods Up North.
  2. Online Communities and Forums: Join online forums and social media groups dedicated to podcasting, where you can connect with other podcasters, ask questions, and share insights. Examples of such communities include the Podcasters Support Group on Facebook and the Podcasting subreddit (/r/podcasting) on Reddit.
  3. Podcast Guest Appearances: Offer to appear as a guest on other podcasts within your niche. This can help you establish relationships with hosts, gain exposure to new audiences, and strengthen your position as an industry expert.
  4. Collaborations and Cross-Promotions: Partner with other podcasters for collaborative episodes, series, or events. Cross-promote your podcasts by sharing each other’s content, interviewing one another, or swapping promotional spots during your episodes.
  5. Networking on Social Media: Engage with other podcasters and industry professionals on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Share their content, comment on their posts, and participate in industry-related conversations to build connections and increase visibility.
  6. Podcasting Associations and Organizations: Join national or regional podcasting associations, such as the British Podcast Awards or the Podcasting, Seriously Awards Fund, to connect with industry professionals, gain access to valuable resources, and stay informed about the latest trends and opportunities.

Networking Tips for Podcasters

To make the most of your networking efforts, keep these best practices in mind:

  1. Be Genuine: Approach networking with a genuine interest in building relationships, not just for personal gain. Focus on creating meaningful connections and providing value to others, rather than simply promoting your podcast.
  2. Listen and Learn: Use networking opportunities to listen, ask questions, and learn from others’ experiences. Be open to feedback and receptive to new ideas that can help improve your podcast.
  3. Be Prepared: When attending networking events or engaging with others online, be prepared to introduce yourself, discuss your podcast, and explain its value. Have an elevator pitch ready, and carry business cards or promotional materials to share with new contacts.
  4. Nurture Relationships: Building connections takes time and effort. Be proactive in nurturing your relationships by maintaining regular contact, sharing relevant content, and offering support when needed. Remember that networking is a two-way street, and mutual support is essential for long-term success.
  5. Stay Organized: Keep track of your networking contacts, including their names, contact information, and any relevant notes about your conversations or connections. Use a contact management tool or a simple spreadsheet to stay organized and ensure timely follow-ups.
  6. Leverage Your Existing Network: Don’t forget to tap into your existing network of friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. They may have valuable connections or insights to share and can help spread the word about your podcast.
  7. Be Patient and Persistent: Networking is an ongoing process, and meaningful connections won’t be built overnight. Stay patient and persistent in your efforts, and remember that the benefits of networking often materialize over time.

Measuring Networking Success

To assess the effectiveness of your networking efforts, track these key indicators:

  1. Audience Growth: Monitor your podcast’s listener growth, and attribute increases to specific networking activities, such as guest appearances or collaborations.
  2. Engagement: Measure your audience’s engagement, including social media interactions, ratings, and reviews, to gauge the impact of your networking efforts on listener loyalty and involvement.
  3. Collaboration Opportunities: Track the number and quality of collaboration opportunities that arise from your networking activities.
  4. Professional Development: Assess the knowledge and skills you’ve gained through networking and how they’ve contributed to your podcast’s improvement and growth.


Building connections within the UK podcasting community can significantly contribute to your podcast’s success and growth. By leveraging networking opportunities, engaging genuinely with others, and staying persistent in your efforts, you can expand your audience, learn from industry professionals, and establish your credibility in the podcasting world. As a UK-based podcast consultant, I encourage you to embrace the power of networking and watch your podcast thrive. Happy networking!